Nope, it's not the title of Ben Affleck's movie. It's a whole different genre. I've always wondered why there's always a tryst between two conflicting things or ideas. They always come in pairs. Did you at any moment in your life ever wondered why? I do believe that everything exist in pairs. That if you have something, this something has a total opposite somewhere. One being dependent on the other for validity and integrity. In other words, to maintain their sense of individuality. Yes, it's a bit vague. One in my opinion can't exist without the other but at the same time have an established, exact, and precise territory to set them apart.
Opposites do attract, as the old saying goes. And that in a sense is true. They do tend to need one another to differentiate and maintain their identity. Totally reliant on each other. Each being a part of the other in a manner of speaking. They coexist giving us choices and evenly testing our judgments and convictions.
I've been asked one time where the idea of good and bad came from. I really don't know how to answer him. Though it did keep me thinking for a while. Origins of words can be tricky. The idea is a lot easier to grasp. Well then, how did the ideas occur to the people who coined the terms good and bad? Were they coined by the Christians to teach their followers basic Do's and Don'ts? Or was it there even before the time when there was an established religion to follow? A lot of questions that would really drive a person insane. Let's go back to my precedent... everything exist in twos, in pairs. Armed with that in mind, let's go back to my example of good and bad. Would good be known without it's opposite, bad? How can something be considered good when we don't even have the slightest idea what to surmise as bad. It's not like that everything is good until somebody said so. Well, in a way maybe it was like that. But think about it. Good and bad were already in existence. We just don't know yet what to call them and how to distinguish one from the other. Our forefathers may have used so many parameters for trying to come up with a fine line separating the two. They did in such a way that they still correspond to each other. One the exact opposite of the other. Now we do have a fine definition of what's good and bad. Everything not bad is good and the same thing goes the other way around. Good can't exist without bad hot on it's tails. The two though totally different and exactly opposite do compliment each other when it comes to validation and differentiation. We can now compare them for better understanding of what they stand for. Now we can tell what's good because we do have a concrete idea what it is that is considered bad. Though the general idea of good and bad can be both subjective and objective and very highly debatable. So were just gonna focus on the main idea of the terms. They are individual entities, yes, but at the same time one can't exist without the other. Other examples are our ideas of life and death, yin and yang, heaven and hell. Other terms may arise from the two but if you would look closer we always go back to the most basic ones. Take for example, day and night. These two are our basic terms used with regards to presence of light coming from the sun. But now we have dawn, afternoon, twilight based on the intensity of the light during the course of the day. Nowadays, brought about by people being wiser, more intelligent and advanced, they almost have a name for everything. We have become more specific and precise. Nevertheless, however advanced our lives may have become we still have to know the simpler attributes of life. And that's another story.
Going back to my pairs theme. These two words do intriguingly go hand in hand in making us understand their true meaning and impact in our lives. One is needed to define the other. They create a sense of balance in our lives. Each pair balancing one another. That with the absence of one the whole idea is corrupted thus ruining the balance. Even though being a pair means contradicting ideas. They do support each other to form a whole central idea about facets in our lives. Two entities of confliction forming a general thought. A sum that makes us understand things more clearly. A sum of all that we have and comprises the world of ideas that we know of. Arming us great knowledge for us to be able to coast in life far better.
A man and a wife forming a family, a whole entity that is a building block forming a bigger group which is the community. A community furthers itself as a nation, nations comprising the world. The sum of a pair gives you a concrete idea, a wholeness that is easier understood. And with all the culmination of these ideas completes a bigger whole. For knowledge leads to understanding. Which is the key to a life well spent. So whether you're ugly or beautiful, fair or dark, tall or short, skinny or fat, always remember that without you, nothing will be complete. You, as well as I, are important in keeping the balance and creating the whole. Each one of us is a part of a bigger whole and without one of us the rest will cease to exist. The next time somebody calls you ugly to your face, just tell them, "You're only beautiful because I happen to be ugly. So shut up and thank your lucky stars. Without ugly people like me I don't think people would even consider you beautiful."
We should always be mindful that our world, our lives, are lived on an invisible scale which we try to balance. If not, would lead to uncertain failures. We each need one another to keep it on the level and try not to upset or upstage each other. We do need one another to define ourselves as individuals as we walk our lives. We are all a part of a pair that will complete a wholeness that is filled with meaning and clarity.